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About us

Seeking Christ
Sharing Christ

Glen Elm Church of Christ was founded in 1922 in Regina, Saskatchewan. Our congregation is made up of a diverse group of people: Long-time believers stand beside curious seekers. Grey-hair and wisdom-wrinkled seniors mingle with university students and baby-bundling couples. Whatever your background or current season of life, Glen Elm could be home for you!

Staff and Leadership

Our congregation is led by a Shepherding Team alongside a Core Team made up of Ministry Leaders.

I am giving you a new road to walk," he said. "In the same way I have loved you, you are to love each other. This kind of love will be the sign for all people that you are walking the road with me." John 13:34 FNVNT

The leadership team here at Glen Elm are trying to walk the road with Jesus and make a difference in the lives of those around us. We pray that our lives and those of the Glen Elm church family will be a demonstration of love and acceptance for all.

As our leadership team continues to grow, we know God is guiding new leaders and continues to direct Glen Elm's path for the future.

our STaff:

Tim Harrison

Interim Pastor

Kelli Friesen

Engagement Minister

Andrea Muirhead

Events Coordinator

our Shepherds:

Mark Husband
Laura Olson
Deanna Cook
Tim McMillan

Our Core TEam

Vicki MacDonald
Tori Krogsgaard
Aaron Friesen
Scott Wise
Dave Ruecker

Our Statement of FAith

Beneath the understanding of Jesus as the living Word, we hold the Bible as God's written Word and as our authority for teaching and practice. Upon that basis, guiding documents have been created to help provide concise summary of who we are and focus for who we aspire to become.

Sunday Services

We gather every Sunday at 10:30 to connect, worship, and learn more about God 

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